Ref NoRNT/CO/1/707m
Makes and refits character table
Costume information table (Understudies)
Costume information for the following actors:

Whitney White+
Sam Archer
Leon Cooke
Josh Lacey
Ivan De Freitas
Dylan Mason
Ed Wade
Adrian Grove
Simon Anthony
Cydney Uffindell Phillips

Plastic folder containing price and sales information
Plastic folder containing price and sales information
Character list and actor measurements table
Evening Standard newspaper article 17th November 2015
Costume information scene by scene table spreadsheet
Scene by scene spreadsheet
Manchester Int Festival character list and measurements
Makes and refits character table
Dressing room information

Final Costumes Checked off for Wardrobe:
London check list - Nov '15
Rehearsal notes 1
Rehearsal notes 2
Rehearsal notes 11
Rehearsal notes 12
Rehearsal notes 13
Avatar creator avatar construction
Act Two female information spreadsheet
Act One female information spreadsheet
Act One male information spreadsheet
Act Two male information spreadsheet
Costume checklist
Sales and invoice information
Extent1 file
SeriesCostume Department Production Files
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