Ref NoRNT/CO/1/709
TitleThe Plough and the Stars
DescriptionPhoto of costume/prop labelled 'Belongs to Lynette Mauro Please Return'
Photo of necklace labelled 'Belongs to Lynette Mauro'
Photo of a pocket watch labelled 'Belongs to Lynette Mauro' and also photos of glasses and earrings
Cast list
Cast list table
Character measurements list

Sections on each Actor/Character, including measurements, photos, costume information, and fabric swatches for the following actors:
Fionn Walton
Lloyd Hutchinson
Tom Vaughan-Lawler
Stephen Kennedy
Kieran Gough
Adam Best
Richard Pryal
Eoin Slattery
Chris Nolan
Cavan Clark
Padraig Lynch
Caolan McCarthy
Judith Roddy
Justine Mitchell
Josie Walker
Roisin O'Neill
Grainne Keenan
Lucia McAnespie
Siobhan Cullen
Niamh McGowan

Uniform lists & references
Costume list
Costume hire
ExtentCostume Bible Folder
SeriesCostume Department Production Files
PERF10174The Plough and the Stars
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