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Collapse 2 - Press Releases2 - Press Releases
Expand 1 - Press Releases 1960-19791 - Press Releases 1960-1979
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Collapse 3 - Press Releases 1990-19993 - Press Releases 1990-1999
1 - Five Guys Named Moe
2 - Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
3 - John Neville and Prunella Scales in School for Scandal [draft]
4 - John Neville and Prunella Scales in 'The School for Scandal'
5 - New Platforms for April and May [draft]
6 - New Platforms for April and May
7 - Peer Gynt
8 - New play by David Hare for Cottesloe, Racing Demon [draft]
9 - Racing Demon
10 - RNT receives unique grant from the Training Agency
11 - New Platforms for May and June
12 - Miller and Shakespeare in double openings at the National [draft]
13 - Miller and Shakespeare in double openings at The National.
14 - New play by Trevor Griffiths in the Cottesloe - Piano [draft]
15 - Platforms - Exhibitions - Education
16 - New play by Trevor Griffiths in the Cottesloe
17 - Two Shakespeare tragedies visit Leeds
18 - Direct from Dublin, Bucharest and Johannesburg: New Plays, in their original productions, by Friel and Fugard from the Abbey and Market Theatres; Hamlet from Romania
19 - New plays, in their original productions, by Friel and Fugard from The Abbey and Market Theatres
21 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
22 - Two Shakespeare tragedies visit Cardiff
23 - More Tales From the Magic Carpet
24 - Extra performances for Royal National Theatre of 'Tartuffe'
25 - Accidental Death of an Anarchist
26 - Two Shakespeare Tragedies Visit Tokyo
27 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
28 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
29 - New play by David Edgar for the Cottesloe [draft]
30 - New play by David Edgar for the Cottesloe
31 - Once In A While The Odd Thing Happens
32 - New architects appointed to RNT
33 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
34 - Long Day's Journey Into Night touring production by Howard Davies repeats collaboration with Bristol Old Vic
35 - Touring production by Howard Davies repeats collaboration with Bristol Old Vic
36 - RNT studio at the Petit Odeon
37 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions [draft]
38 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
39 - Early 1991 at the National [draft]
40 - Early 1991 at The National
41 - Accidental Death of an Anarchist
42 - The Trackers of Oxyrynchus to visit Salts Mill, Saltaire in only visit outside London
43 - Hit show is revived for one performance as tribute to Ian Charleson
44 - The School For Scandal
45 - Bright prospects ahead for Tara Arts in 1990
46 - Two Shakespeare tragedies for world tour
47 - Two Shakespeare tragedies for world tour
48 - Miller and Shakespeare in double opening at The National
49 - All-Asian Company in mobile production: 'Tartuffe'
50 - All-Asian Company in touring production: 'Tartuffe'
51 - Royal National Theatre mobile production of Miliere's 'Tartuffe'
52 - Michael Blakemore returns to the National to direct 'After The Fall'
53 - Brian Friel's new play comes to the Nationa from the Abbey, Dublin: 'Dancing at Lughnasa'
54 - Dial-a-Story: More Tales From the Magic Carpet
55 - Two Shakespeare tragedies visit Hamburg
56 - Two Shakespeare tragedies visit Nottingham
57 - Two Shakespeare tragedies visit Milan
58 - Two Shakespeare tragedies visit Madrid
59 - An exhibition of Hewison caricatures to open at the National
60 - A new exhibition to open at the National in March
61 - Spring at the National
62 - Spring at The National
63 - In its frist ever visit to Dresden, the RNT of Great Britain arrives to give performances of two popular Shakespeare tragedies
64 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
65 - Philip Prowse returns to the National to stage the White Devil
66 - Philip Prowse returns to The National to stage 'The White Devil'
67 - Royal National Theatre mobile production of Moliere's 'Tartuffe'
68 - Antony Sher to play title role in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
69 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
70 - New play by Mustapha Matura for Cottesloe premiere: 'The Coup'
71 - Di Travis to direct Anthony Sher in Bertolt Brecht's 'The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui'
72 - Further dates added to RNT mobile production of Moliere's 'Tartuffe'
73 - Autumn at the National
74 - Major revival of Tennessee Williams' 'The Night of the Iguana' for the Lyttelton [draft]
75 - Major revival of Tennessee Williams' 'The Night of the Iguana' for the Lyttelton
76 - Major new exhibiton opens at the Theatre Museum
77 - Wallace Shawn in his own one-man show 'The Fever'
78 - New play by Christopher Hampton for Cottesloe premiere: 'White Chameleon'
79 - Yilmaz Guney - a one-man show
80 - The Wind in The Willows to return to the Olivier
81 - New play by Allan Bennett for Lyttelton Premiere: 'The Madness of George III'
82 - Major new exhibiton opens at the Theatre Museum
83 - Eighth century Sanskrit plat for Cottesloe: 'The Little Clay Cart'
84 - Yvonne Brewster to direct mobile production of 'Blood Wedding'
85 - Théâtre de Complicité in 'The Visit'
86 - Nicholas Hytner to direct 'The Recruiting Officer'
87 - Robert Lepage's 'The Dragons' Trilogy' at Riverside Studios
88 - Data General awarded £120,000 contract with Royal National Theatre
89 - North London Hospice Press Release
90 - Royal National Theatre / BECTU Negotiations 1992/1993
91 - Press Information: John Caird
92 - Alan Howard to play title role in Richard Eyre's production of 'Macbeth'
93 - A celebration of new work from The Royal National Theatre Studio
94 - 1992 Royal Narional Theatre mobile production: 'Billy Liar'
95 - Alan Bates to appear in new David Storey play 'Stages'
96 - Dragon: a Fairy Tale With Claws
97 - The Day After Tomorrow
98 - Royal National Theatre mobile production: 'Billy Liar'
99 - Co-production with Nottingham playhouse of new Alan Bleasdale play: 'On The Ledge'
100 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
101 - Stephen Sondheim's 'Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street' for the Cottesloe
102 - The David Hare Trilogy, including his new play 'The Absence of War' for the Olivier
103 - Syme - A new play by Michael Bourdages
104 - Ken Campbell returns to the national with new one-man show 'Jamais Vu'
105 - Stephen Daldry to direct Sophie Treadwell's 'Machinal'
106 - Sons of George III 'Weigh-In' at Berry Bros. & Rudd
107 - Musical for 5-8 yar olds: 'Jo-Jo the Melon Donkey'
108 - Third and final chance to see Alan Bennett's adaptation of 'The Wind in the Willows'
109 - Two new plays - 'The Skriker' by Caryl Churchill for the Cottesloe and 'Wicked, Yaar!' by Gary Lyons for tour and Cottesloe
110 - Ken Campbell in 'Jamais Vu' for limited season in the West End.
111 - 'Trelawny of the "Wells"' for the Olivier
112 - The Devil's Disciple
113 - A new play by Garry Lyons: 'Wicked, Yaar!'
114 - Wicked, Yaar!
115 - Major New Sponsorship Announced: BT National Connections
116 - Revival of musical play for 4-7 year olds: 'The Day After Tomorrow'
117 - New version of Chekhov's 'The Seagull' for Olivier
118 - Press release: 'Carousel' closes on 28 May
119 - British premiere of new Arthur Miller play for the Lyttelton: 'Broken Glass'
120 - British premiere of new Arthur Miller play for the Lyttelton: 'Broken Glass'
121 - Announcement of proposed plans for the future development of the building (2 copies)
122 - Major new production of Stephen Sondheim's 'A Little Night Music' for the Olivier and John O'Keefe's 'Wild Oats' for the Lyttelton
123 - Alice's Adventures Under Gorund for Cottesloe
124 - The Wind in the Willows returns to the Olivier
125 - Eighteen performance of Pinter's 'Landscape'
126 - Winsome Pinnock play for mobile production: 'Leave Taking'
127 - Out of a House Walked a Man
128 - Platforms, Education, Exhibitions
129 - Dealer's Choice
130 - British Premiere for the Olivier of 'Johnny on a Spot'
131 - Johnny On A Spot - Synopsis
132 - Les Parents Terribles
133 - Jonathan Lunn to choreograph Shakespeare's 'Pericles' at the Royal National Theatre
134 - Pericles
135 - Sweet Bird of Youth
136 - The Seagull
137 - New translation by Ranjit Bolt of Corneille's 'Le Cid'
138 - Alan Ayckbourn to direct new play for family audiences: 'Two Weeks With the Queen'
139 - Martha Clarke to make British theatre debut at the National with 'Alice's Adventures Under Ground'
140 - Two new plays written and directed by young playwrights
141 - The Wind in the Willows
142 - A new David Hare play for Cottesloe: 'Skylight'
143 - Rodney Ackland's 'Absolute Hell' for Olivier
144 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
145 - Platforms - Exhibitions
146 - Matthew Warchus to direct 'Volpone'
147 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
148 - Jonathan Kent to direct Diana Rigg in 'Mother Courage and Her Children'
149 - Jonathan Kent to direct Diana Rigg in 'Mother Courage and Her Children'
150 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
151 - Major revival of Tom Stoppard's play for Lyttelton and tour
152 - Major revival of Tom Stoppard's play for Lyttelton and tour
153 - Press Release - 'Mixed Bag' - Issy van Randwyck
154 - Diana Rigg returns to play title role in 'Mother Courage and Her Children'
155 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
156 - Howard Davies returns to direct Schiller's 'Mary Stuart'
157 - Pam Gems' new play 'Stanley' for Cottesloe
158 - Royal National Theatre to stage play about the experience of space
159 - Roger Michell returns to the Royal National Theatre to direct 'Under Milk Wood'
160 - Victor Hugo's 'The Prince's Play' for Olivier
161 - Lynne Kirwin Associates press release for three productions
162 - Dennis Potter's 'Blue Remembered Hills' for Lyttelton
163 - Deborah Warner to direct Fiona Shaw in 'Richard II'
164 - Vanessa Redgrave, Paul Scofield, Eileen Atkins and Michael Bryant in 'John Gabriel Borkman'
165 - Musical adaptation of the children's classic 'The Red Balloon'
166 - Six Royal National Theare Celebriteas charied by writer and journalist Al Senter
167 - Royal National Theare Celebriteas photo
168 - Lambert Wilson to star at the Royal National Theatre, London
169 - Phyllida Lloyd to direct 'The Way of the World'
170 - Bollywood comes to the National
171 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead for Lyttelton
172 - First London production for 'Lady in the Dark'
173 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
174 - Victor Hugo's 'The Prince's Play' for Olivier
175 - Victor Hugo's 'The Prince's Play' for Olivier. Includes Platforms, Education, Exhibitions.
176 - New director for Royal National Theatre appointed today
177 - David Lean's 'The Ends of the Earth' for Cottesloe
178 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
179 - Summer openings at the Royal National Theatre [includes Platforms, Education, Exhibitions]
180 - Summer openings at the Royal National Theatre
181 - Howard Davies returns to direct Schiller's 'Mary Stuart'
182 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
183 - Autumn openings at the Royal National Theatre [two copies]
184 - Autumn openings at the Royal National Theatre [includes Platforms, Education, Exhibitions]
185 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
186 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
187 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre [includes Platforms, Education, Exhibitions]
188 - Patrick Marber to re-direct his own play 'Dealer's Choice' for an international tour.
189 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
190 - Winter openings at the Royal National Theatre
191 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
192 - Capture the National's summer musical launch of 'The Red Balloon'
193 - World premiere of Stephen Poliakoff play 'Blinded by the Sun'
194 - The Alchemist - First co-production with Birmingham Repertory Theatre Company
195 - World premiere of Martin McDonagh's 'The Cripple of Inishmaan'
196 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
197 - David Thacker to direct 'Death of a Salesman'
198 - New verse production of 'Fair Ladies at a Game of Poem Cards'
199 - Prodution news from the Royal National Theatre
200 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
201 - Production news from the National Theatre
202 - Revival of Harold Pinter's 'The Homecoming', directed by Roger Michell
203 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
204 - World premiere of a new play by Peter Gill
205 - Robert Lepage returns with 'Elsinore' - variations of 'Hamlet'
206 - Press pack for The Oedipus Plays, Epidaurus, 1996
207 - 'The Seven Streams of the River Ota'
208 - 'Violin Time' - Ken Campbell returns to the National with another anarchic one-man show
209 - New director for Royal National Theatre appointed today
210 - Peter Hall to direct The Oedipus Plays - 'Oedipus the King' and 'Oedipus at Colonus'
211 - Send in the Clowns...A Little Late Night Music
212 - The Royal National Theatre presents a summer musical for all the family - 'The Red Balloon'
213 - Final performances of 'Fair Ladies at a Game of Poem Cards'
214 - Platforms - Education - Exhibitions
215 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
216 - World premiere of a new play by Peter Gill
217 - Richard Eyre directs Ian Holm as King Lear
218 - World Premiers of new plays by David Hare and Patrick Marber
219 - Richard Eyre directs Ian Holm as King Lear
220 - Olivier season in the round
221 - 'Guys and Dolls' returns for the summer
222 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms
223 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
224 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms
225 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
226 - Trevor Nunn directs 'An Enemy of the People'
227 - Education - Exhibition - Platforms
228 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
229 - Genista McIntosh returns to the National
230 - 'Guys and Dolls' ends 22 November
231 - Last chance to see 'Chips With Everything'
232 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
233 - Revival of Arnold Wesker's 'Chips With Everything' directed by Howard Davies
234 - Peter Pan flies into the National Theatre for Christmas with Ian McKellan as Captain Hook
235 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms
236 - Production News from the Royal National Theatre
237 - 'An Enemy of the People' returns to the Olivier Theatre with Ian McKellen as Dr Tomas Stockmann
238 - Ticket prices slashed for the first Paul Hamlyn week at the Royal National Theatre [2 copies, 1 dated]
239 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
240 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms
241 - Peter Pan visits Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital
242 - Photo-call: Peter Pan visits Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital
243 - First Paul Hamlyn week at Royal National Theatre marks completion of first phase of modernisation programme
244 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms & Events
245 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
246 - 'Our Lady of Sligo' Final London performances before regional tour
247 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
248 - 'Cleo, Camping, Emmanuelle and Dick' cast change
248a - BT National Connections
249 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
250 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms & Events
251 - Arthur Miller named as top English language dramatist and Royal National Theatre project celebrates 100 plays of the 20th century
252 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms & Events
253 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
254 - UK dates for Lepage's 'Geometry' of Miracles announced
255 - National poetry day
256 - New adaptations of 'The London Cuckolds' by Terry Johnson
257 - Trevor Nunn directs Harold Pinter's 'Betrayal'
258 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms and Events
259 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
260 - Shakespeare's 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona' at the Great Hall, Seale-Hayne Faculty, University of Plymouth, Newton Abbot.
261 - Shakespeare's 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona'
262 - Shakespeare's 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona'
263 - The world premier of 'The Riot', a new play by Nick Darke
264 - 'Candide' frst preview now Tuesday 6 April
265 - Trevor Nunn and Lord Hamlyn announce the second Paul Hamlyn week at the Royal National Theatre
266 - 'Sparkleshark' by Philip Ridley
267 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms & Events
268 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
269 - Trevor Nunn directs the 'Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare
270 - Paul Hamlyn week
271 - NT2000 programme 100 platforms to celebrate 100 plays of the twentieth century
272 - NT2000 programme 100 platforms to celebrate 100 plays of the twentieth century
273 - NT2000 programme 100 platforms to celebrate 100 plays of the twentieth century
274 - NT2000 programme 100 platforms to celebrate 100 plays of the twentieth century
275 - NT2000 programme 100 platforms to celebrate 100 plays of the twentieth century
276 - NT2000 programme 100 platforms to celebrate 100 plays of the twentieth century
277 - NT2000 programme 100 platforms to celebrate 100 plays of the twentieth century
278 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms & Events
279 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
280 - Michael Frayn's multi-award winning play 'Copenhagen' at The Duchess, Catherine Street, WC2
281 - Last chance to see 'Troilus and Cressida' Trevor Nunn's acclaimed production ends on 24 July [1999]
282 - 'The Darker Face of the Earth' - NT Ensemble 99
283 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms - Events & Activities
284 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
285 - English National Opera and Royal National Theatre in first ever collaboration
286 - Royal National Theatre Mobile Tours presents 'Widowers' Houses' by Bernard Shaw
287 - Last chance to see 'Private Lives' (prior to national tour)
288 - Royal National Theatre Mounts Beckett project in Brixton Prison
289 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms - Events & Activities
290 - 'The Mysteries'
291 - Final performances of 'The Darker Face of the Earth'.
292 - Last chance to see 'Summerfolk'
293 - Learning Shakespeare 'As You Like It!', drama initiative brings Shakespeare back to life
294 - 'Honk! The Ugly Duckling' - A family musical for Christmas 1999
295 - Patrick Marber's 'Closer' visits the Lyttelton Theatre following national and international tour
296 - 'The Island'
297 - Education - Exhibitions - Platforms - Events & Activities
298 - Production news from the Royal National Theatre
299 - Anthony Page directs Ostrovsky's 'The Forest' in a new version by Alan Ayckbourn
300 - Half term events and activities 15 - 18 February [1999]
301 - List of Platform performances 19 February - 29 March [1999]
302 - The Abbey Theatre, Dublin production of 'The Colleen Bawn' comes to the Lyttelton Theatre
303 - 'Troilus and Cressida' and 'Candide': the first two productions from the new National Theatre Ensemble
304 - Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day at the National Theatre with the Abbey Theatre, Dublin's production of 'The Colleen Bawn'
305 - Craic Galore a one day festival of Irish arts
306 - Family day at the National
307 - World premiere of Sebastian Barry's 'Our Lady of Sligo'
308 - Five Go Mad in the Midlands! Peter Pan actors walk for charity
309 - 'Sleep With Me' - A new play by Hanif Kureishi
310 - Juliet Stevenson and Anton Lesser in Noël Coward's 'Private Lives'
311 - 'Money' opens at the Olivier on 3 June
312 - New Productions from the NT Ensemble 99: 'Money' by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 'Summerfolk' by Maxim Gorky
313 - Royal National Theatre events and activities: Watch This Space 1999
314 - Paul Hamlyn week events and activities at the Royal National Theatre 28 June - 3 July 1999
315 - Kneehigh Theatre present 'Strange Cargo' July 1999 on the riverside terrace
316 - 'Look Back in Anger' by John Osborne
317 - 'Carmen' Funebre' by Teatre Biuro Podrozy 31 July in Theatre Square
318 - 'Toubib or not Toubib' by Les Alama's Givrés
319 - Heirs and Graces a day of aerial and street performances 14 August 1999 in Theatre Square
320 - The Smallest Theatre in the World present performances of 'Troilus and Cressida' and 'Candide'
321 - Airs and Graces 8 August 1999
322 - Watch This Space: Cadets
323 - NT Ensemble 99: 'Summerfolk' by Maxim Gorky in a new version by Nick Dear
324 - Polyglot Theatre Company present 'The Harvest Plays', September 1999 Theatre Square
325 - Last chance to see 'Look Back in Anger'
326 - 'The Colour of Justice' The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry - edited by Richard Norton-Taylor
327 - 'Remember This' by Stephen Poliakoff
328 - Festival of Lights - A Diwali celebration
329 - Haroun: stories and workshops
330 - The English National Opera and the Royal National Theatre present 'Diary of One Who Vanished'
331 - How to raise publicity for Lloyds TSB Live! at your shool
332 - The lowdown on Lloyds TSB Live!
333 - 'Battle Royal' - a new play by Nick Stafford
334 - 'Candide'
335 - Leonard Bernstein's 'Candide' - in repertoire at the Olivier
336 - NT: backstage at the national
337 - Stage By Stage: The Development of the National Theatre 1848~1997
341 - Paul Hamlyn Week 1999 at the NT
342 - Paul Hamlyn Week Royal National Theatre 13 to 18 April 1998
343 - Paul Hamlyn Week Royal National Theatre 13 to 18 April 1998
344 - Paul Hamlyn Week Royal National Theatre 13 to 18 April 1998
345 - Royal National Theatre New Bookshop
346 - NT100
347 - NT Press Office Memo
348 - House of Commons Party
349 - Hamlyn Week Launch Northwest and South West MPs
350 - NT Packet
Expand 4 - Press Releases 2000-20094 - Press Releases 2000-2009
Expand 5 - Press Releases 2010-20195 - Press Releases 2010-2019
Expand 6 - Press Releases 2020-20296 - Press Releases 2020-2029
Expand 3 - Rehearsal and Production Photographs3 - Rehearsal and Production Photographs
Expand 4 - Press Review Files4 - Press Review Files
Expand 6 - Press Exhibition Files6 - Press Exhibition Files
Expand 8 - Press Conferences8 - Press Conferences
Expand 9 - Artwork9 - Artwork
Expand 11 - Estate Photographs11 - Estate Photographs
Expand R - Retail DepartmentR - Retail Department
Expand SG - Stages DepartmentSG - Stages Department
Expand SM - Stage Management DepartmentSM - Stage Management Department
Expand SO - Sound DepartmentSO - Sound Department
Expand ST - NT StudioST - NT Studio
Expand T - Touring DepartmentT - Touring Department
Expand W - Wigs, Hair and Make-Up DepartmentW - Wigs, Hair and Make-Up Department
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