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JH - Jocelyn Herbert Archive
1 - Indexed files
2 - Un-indexed files
2 - 'Anne's poems'
3 - 'Army'
4 - Beckett, Samuel
5 - Biographies
6 - Birtwistle, Harrison
7 - Bursaries
8 - 'Carnuntum'
9 - Conversion charts
10 - 'Dexter, John Caesar and Sophocles'
11 - Donations
12 - 'Early Days'
13 - English Heritage
14 - English Stage Company
15 - 'Freelance Cruises'
16 - George Devine Memorial Award
17 - 'Hamlet LA Stratford East'
18 - 'Harrison, Tony'
19 - Heartbreak House
20 - Herbert, AP
21 - Home
22 - 'Hotel New Hampshire set research'
23 - 'Isadora and others'
24 - Letters
25 - 'Lois'
26 - Magazines
27 - Masks
28 - Ned Kelly
29 - News and ephemeral items
30 - O Lucky Man!
31 - 'Press reviews and plans'
32 - 'Production notes'
33 - 'Prometheus text'
34 - 'Pygmalion LA'
35 - Research
1 - A Gaiety Girl
2 - 'Arbuthnot/Tadoussac'
3 - 'Circus and clowns'
4 - Cloth
5 - 'Costume'
6 - 'Costume research - Square Rounds'
7 - Models
8 - Photography and lighting
9 - 'Pottery'
10 - Prisons
11 - Prometheus
12 - 'Sunflowers'
13 - 'Venice ghetto'
14 - 'Ned Kelly'
15 - Interiors
16 - 'Prints of Greenham Common'
17 - Africa
18 - 'Phaedra Britannica - research'
19 - 'America'
20 - The Devil and the Good Lord
21 - 'Russia'
22 - 'Conjuring and black art - Square Rounds'
23 - 'Trackers - Delphi- 1967'
24 - 'Square Rounds - NT [National Theatre]'
25 - 'France'
26 - 'Interior Coffee bar Vienna - Hotel New Hampshire'
27 - 'Threepenny Opera - New York'
28 - 'Lulu- film drawings'
29 - 'Oresteia'
30 - 'Gigi - research'
31 - Fern Gully
32 - 'Stages by David Storey'
33 - 'England'
34 - 'The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus - Olivier Theatre NT [National Theatre]'
35 - 'Costumes and Chinese research'
36 - 'Galileo - action drawings'
37 - 'Research - American Interiors'
38 - 'Hotel New Hampshire - research'
39 - 'O Lucky Man!'
40 - 'Creon'
41 - 'Galileo - NT [National Theatre] - 1980'
42 - 'Orpheus'
43 - 'The March on Russia'
44 - 'Phaedra Britannica'
45 - 'Hotel New Hampshire'
46 - 1920s
47 - Rolls of research images
36 - Royal Court Theatre
37 - RDI [The Faculty of Royal Designers for Industry]
38 - 'Saratoga'
39 - 'Ta, Stephen'
40 - 'Threepenny Opera - New York'
41 - Trackers
42 - Trevelyan, Philip
43 - VES
44 - 'Whales'
45 - Willis Corroon London Ltd
46 - Richard Eyre's LAMDA lecture
47 - 'Critics'
48 - 'Crystal/John'
49 - Passports
50 - 'Sheffield'
51 - Isadora
52 - Educational course papers
53 - 'Personal Correspondence'
54 - Mounted image
56 - 'Inadmissable Evidence plans + photos NY'
57 - 'Lulu'
58 - Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail
59 - Quotations and newspaper cuttings
60 - General personal and working papers
61 - 'Unsorted'
62 - 'Die Mutter''
63 - Concertina folder
64 - LTS [London Theatre Studio]
65 - Assorted papers
66 - Prometheus - printed material
67 - Avigdor Arikha essay
68 - 'Open Fields: Science in Cultural Encounter' essay
69 - Presentation booklet - Peasant Girl by Elizabeth Montgommery
70 - Engraved silver cup
71 - International Symposium of Ancient Greek Drama
72 - Personal correspondence with colleagues
73 - Blank picture postcards
74 - Cigarette cards
75 - Personal, reference and production photographs
76 - Lindsay Anderson memorial booklets
3 - Notebooks and Sketchbooks
4 - Design drawings
5 - Models
6 - Scripts
7 - Costumes
8 - Props
9 - Photographic material
10 - Diaries
11 - Groundplans
12 - Portfolios and non-production artworks
13 - Programmes
14 - Posters
15 - Audio-visual materials
16 - Library
17 - Pamphlets
18 - Accruals from Jocelyn Herbert's Hampshire House
19 - Noticeboard
20 - Papers of John Minton
21 - Rhinoceros Drawings by Ionesco
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