Description | The file includes sketch 904/378 of the 'National Theatre / Barbican / Opera House Conductor's Stand'; a bundle of sketches and notes related to panels, loud speakers, switch units and the intercom system titled 'planning sheets'; timing caption sketches (the performance will start in x minutes) and schematic; a handwritten draft of sections of specification 904/SP.31 'Performance Control, Communication and Closed Circuit Television Installations'; rough sketches of circuits and control panels; typed information and sketches on open ring intercommunication system and the Stage Manager's paging and monitoring panel; sketch SK2063 showing stage manager's cueing panel schematic (Birmingham Theatre); sketch SK2065 showing general purpose rack equipment schematic (Birmingham Theatre); sketch SK2062 showing radio microphone installation (Birmingham Theatre); sketch no SK2070 showing schematic of mixer for Birmingham Theatre; sketch SK2067 showing front panel layout (Birmingham Theatre); and two handwritten drafts of a schedule 'National Theatre - Lower Theatre. Wiring Schedule - Technical Sound and Communications' with notes. Original card folder disposed of. 'National Theatre Wiring Schedules Working Sheets' was written on the front cover ('sound spec's' was written under National Theatre and crossed out). |