Description | Engineering drawings of the safety curtain in the Lower Theatre, the sound and fire doors in the Lower and Upper Theatres, the spot line flying scenery hoists in the Upper Theatre, the drum revolve in the Upper Theatre and the galleries by Mole-Richardson (Stage and Studio Engineering) Ltd, who have arranged them into the following series: CW: Counterweight systems D14: General arrangement section through to drum assembly (Including works numbers 2815 - drum revolve, side and back towers, elevators, safety rail, traps; 2832/3230 - sound/fire doors; 3092 - scenery hoists; 3162 - safety rail approach; 5376 - air damper, secondary C weight; 5551 - proposed scheme for measuring torque; 5591 - elevator door steelwork; 5644 - timing belt drive D18: Details of Proscenum Stage and Elevators (Including works numbers 2832 - sound/fire doors; 3088 - Lower Theatre gallery; 3089 - dividing doors, smoke vents, safety curtain, drencher; 3090 - lighting rails, lighting bar, handrails, cleat rails, gallery details; 3091- smoke vents; 3230 - suspension track Doors F and G; 3570 - grid and scenery hoist tracks Upper Theatre; 3745 - access perch; 4989 - Cottesloe fire doors D61 and D62: Touring revolve D1006: Theoretic hydraulic circuit for hydrafly scenery flying system E98 and F20-21: Lighting bridges SA: Suction anchorage SC: Safety curtain [schedule?] The majority of the drawings are to be found in D14 and D18. There are a number of drawings and sketches with their details incomplete or missing, meaning they have no titles, dates and/or reference numbers. Finding aids in the form of drawing lists can be found at TPC/5/6/1 and TPC/5/6/2.