Description | Drawings of controls for the counteweights and the spot line and scenery hoists by Evershed Power-Optics, who arranged them into the following series, which contain drawings on a number of themes: A (1 drawing): External Cabling Diagram (Provisional) for the Drum Revolve V: Drum revolve and control panel, contactor matrix and frame; VDU formats for hoists; patchboard; hoist control panel, and scenery hoist system block. W: scenery hoist drive equipment room (Upper Theatre); contactor module and plates for cyclos and hoists; drum revolve drive external cabling; power flying (Lower Theatre); scenery hoist (Upper Theatre); drum revolve panel and cabling for drum revolve drive; rolling control panel; hardware for patchboard; drum revolve control position; setting panel (Upper Theatre); support framework for drum revolve console; upper hoist system for masking screen; front panel of lighting hoists (Upper Theatre); support frame for control panel (Lower Theatre); drum revolve control equipment (Upper Theatre); hoist control position; control panels for scenery hoist, switches, settings, stage manager and communications; control desks for scenery hoists (both main theatres); satellite setting panel - switch panel; scenery hoist control console. X: up and down stage counterweight sets (Lower Theatre), matrix room, mimic indicator mechanism, patchboard numbers, wiring for point hoist, wiring for pwer assisted bar (Lower Theatre), wiring for stage wagons, hoist pot., wiring for point hoist, connections for diode board. There are a number of drawings and sketches with their details incomplete or missing, meaning they have no titles, dates and/or reference numbers.