Description | Drawings for Stage Wagons in the Lower and Upper Theatres, Counterweight Power Flying Control in the Lower Theatre, Control Room Windows in the Lower and Upper Theatres, and the Lighting Hoists and Windlasses in the Lower and Upper Theatres by Hall Stage Equipment Ltd, who arranged them into the following series: SB (1 drawing): Grid pulley SD (2 drawings): Gear for jackscrew and counterweight for rope lock assembly SPOT (3 drawings): spotline hoists X12: General arrangement, layout, detail drawings for power flying Y75: Layout, detail, section, assembly drawings for the stage wagons Y90: General arrangement, detail, layout drawings for the lighting-hoists and windlasses Z49 (1 drawing): spotline hoist L0901/SK: Sketches A finding aid, in the form of a list of drawings completed by Hall Stage Equipment Limited by 1974 can be found under the business files series at TPC/1/16/2. There are a number of drawings and sketches with their details incomplete or missing, meaning they have no titles, dates and/or reference numbers. |