TitleThe Threepenny Opera
Further informationEducation Production
AuthorBrecht, Bertolt
Author TwoWeill, Kurt
Author ThreeSams, Jeremy (lyrics translation)
VenueCottesloe Theatre, National Theatre
Performance TypeFirst Production
CompanyNational Theatre; 1963-
Opening Night2/8/2003
Press Night2/8/2003
Closing Night2/15/2003
Performance Length2 hours, 25 minutes (including 20 minute interval)
Number of Performances10
Performer Roles
ROLE104902Dickins; ChristopherFilch / Smith
ROLE104904Lailey; JamesBrown
ROLE104905Lewis; NatashaPolly Peachum
ROLE104906Marsh; ElizabethJenny
ROLE104907Naylor; LoisLucy / Constable
ROLE104909Rubin; DavidMr Peachum / Reverend
ROLE104911Shaeffer; MichaelMacheath
ROLE104912Virdi; HarveyMrs Peachum
ROLE104913Whyte; DouglasEnsemble
Creative Roles
ROLE103319Brecht; Bertolt (1898-1956)Playwright
ROLE104884Weill; Kurt (1900-1950)Composer
ROLE104885Sams; JeremyTranslator of lyrics
ROLE104886Meech; AnthonyTranslator of book
ROLE104887Baker; TimDirector
ROLE104888Bailey; MarkDesigner
ROLE104889Edis; SteveMusical Supervisor
ROLE104890Whyte; DouglasMusic Director
ROLE104891Beadle; NickLighting Designer
ROLE104892Ansell; FlickAssociate Lighting Designer
ROLE104893Jaynes; FrancescaMovement Director
ROLE104865Alexander; NeilSound Designer
ROLE104894Lesley; FionaEducation Director
ROLE104897Braidwood; GraemeCompany Stage Manager
ROLE104898Simmonds; ClareDeputy Stage Manager
ROLE104899Westfallen; BushyCostume Supervisor
ROLE104900Anderson; TomWorkshop Leader
ROLE104901Hudson; DawnWorkshop Leader
ROLE145196Ingleson; DawnMobile Tours Producer
ROLE128169Milroy; SachaProduction Manager
RNT/E/1/2/45The Threepenny Opera2002 - 2003Education Department Show Files
RNT/PR/4/1/751The Threepenny OperaNovember 2002 - March 2003Press Production Review Files
RNT/E/3/3/160The Threepenny Opera 2003 Background Packs
RNT/PR/2/4/141Platforms - Children's Events - Exhibitions - Education18 November 2002Press Releases 2000-2009
RNT/PR/2/4/196Touring News from Royal National Theatre 2 April 2003Press Releases 2000-2009
RNT/PP/1/8/37The Threepenny Opera8 February 2003Education Department Programmes
RNT/PP/2/4/244The Threepenny Opera12 February 2003Cottesloe Posters
RNT/PR/2/4/142Production news from the Royal National Theatre18 November 2002Press Releases 2000-2009
RNT/PR/2/4/138Platforms - Children's Events - Exhibitions - Education9 September 2002Press Releases 2000-2009
RNT/PR/2/4/139Production news from the Royal National Theatre 9 September 2002Press Releases 2000-2009
TM/14The Threepenny Opera14 February 2003Theatre Museum Videos
RNT/CO/1/455The Threepenny Opera2003Costume Department Production Files
RNT/SO/2/1/160The Threepenny Opera15 February 2003Master Recordings
RNT/SO/2/2/163The Threepenny Opera15 February 2003Viewing Recordings
RNT/LI/3/429The Threepenny Opera2003Scripts - Later Drafts
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